We are in the process of booking several exciting clinics at FTS this summer. So please keep checking back for more dates added to the list.
So far we have booked:
Sat 18th May - Joe Whitaker Show Jumping Clinic
Sat 1st & Sun 2nd June - Reiki Level 1 and Reiki for Animals Course
Sat 8th June - Jane Peberdy Dressage Clinic (List 1 BD Judge)
Sat 22st June - Joe Whitaker Show Jumping Clinic
Sun 7th July - Jane Peberdy Dressage Clinic
Sat 13th July - Joe Whitaker Show Jumping Clinic
Sat 27th July - Equine Massage for horse owners course
Please email Jenna at jenz.87@gmail.com for a booking form for these events.