Monday, 2 September 2013

Summer at FTS!

Summer at FTS this year has been a very hectic few months! The Show Jumping and Dressage clinics have been a fabulous success, and everyone has thoroughly enjoyed themselves.
Thomas & Monty

Janice & Borris
There have been many different competitions, and several liveries have ventured to Port Royal to do their first ever dressage tests. 
Krista and Pueblo after 3 goes came home with a 1st rosette! 
Pueblo modelling his dressage winnings!
 Echo has returned to FTS to continue his training and is doing very well in the dressage world. After only a few goes, he has scored +70% at prelim level winning both his classes last weekend. 
Echo and Thomas
 We have also spent alot of time preparing for the coming winter months by laying new stone path ways to all our fields & gateways in hope of making this winter a "easier" one!! 

This is only a small fraction of things that have happened this summer, and all of our liveries have in one way or another had a fantastic summer with their horses! 
Good job everyone!  

Sunday, 14 April 2013

Summer Clinics

We are in the process of booking several exciting clinics at FTS this summer. So please keep checking back for more dates added to the list.

So far we have booked:

Sat 18th May - Joe Whitaker Show Jumping Clinic
Sat 1st & Sun 2nd June - Reiki Level 1 and Reiki for Animals Course
Sat 8th June - Jane Peberdy Dressage Clinic (List 1 BD Judge)
Sat 22st June - Joe Whitaker Show Jumping Clinic
Sun 7th July - Jane Peberdy Dressage Clinic
Sat 13th July - Joe Whitaker Show Jumping Clinic
Sat 27th July - Equine Massage for horse owners course

Please email Jenna at for a booking form for these events.

Monday, 1 April 2013

Florian and Mac go home

After a few "delays" Florian and Mac have now gone home after an extended stay.
Their owners Gary and Sarah have worked very hard, and although their is still some way to go (Florian is no push over), their hard work is starting to pay off!

Here are some pictures of Florian just before she went home. You can follow their journey on our facebook page (

Sarah and Gary will be continuing their training with us with bi-weekly lessons on site. 

Monday, 18 March 2013

March at FTS

We are aiming for once monthly updates, as all our regular updates can be found on our Facebook page (you do not need to be a member of Facebook to see our page).

This month has continued our aim of getting as many of our clients to try something new this year, with many giving Dressage Anywhere ago for the first time. Alison and Krista both did their first ever dressage tests at the end of February and scored a well deserved 59%, they are now working towards going out for their first competition soon.

Sarah & Gary who own the lovely Florian and Mac have been working with us whilst the two horses are on short term training livery, to kick start their competition season. All four of them have improved tremendously and we are very proud of all their hard work.

Along side going to Port Royal, Sarah competed in her first Dressage Anywhere and came 2nd in their very full class!

We have also had another Liz Harris Equine Therapist clinic day, and we have some big plans for the summer months, so please keep looking back for exciting opportunities coming soon! 

Saturday, 2 February 2013

Equestrian Life Magazine

FTS's New Years Resolutions has made it into this months (Feb North) EQUESTRIAN LIFE MAGAZINE.
Well done to all our clients! We will hopefully be back out again on the 23rd Feb. See you then! 

Sunday, 13 January 2013

FTS New Years Resolutions!

Happy New Year to all our clients and friends!
Sorry for the delay in writing, the first two weeks of January so far have been none stop for all at FTS.

Over the Christmas period we teamed up with our clients to ponder our new years resolutions, and we have decided to run monthly competition outings. This allows our clients to start their 2013 off with a bang with our first dressage outing the 6th January.
On these outings the whole FTS team accompanies our clients to an event to offer support and training, with the aim of developing the horse and rider combinations we are already working with.

On the 6th Jan we all went to Port Royal EEC for  Dressage classes of all levels. This competiton allowed some of our clients to kick start their new year. All combinations were urged to try something new, ranging from the first competition in 10 years to trying a novice test for the first time.
 Through the day, 14 tests for FTS clients were ridden!!

Everyone had a fabulous day, with all horse and rider combinations performing beautifully. Results varied with rosettes right through the scale from 1st to 6th place. Sam & Summer even traveled all the way from Whitby for their fabulous score of 72% and 1st place.

This will be a monthly event run for our clients and we will keep you posted with their progresses!  Well done every one!!