Monday, 18 March 2013

March at FTS

We are aiming for once monthly updates, as all our regular updates can be found on our Facebook page (you do not need to be a member of Facebook to see our page).

This month has continued our aim of getting as many of our clients to try something new this year, with many giving Dressage Anywhere ago for the first time. Alison and Krista both did their first ever dressage tests at the end of February and scored a well deserved 59%, they are now working towards going out for their first competition soon.

Sarah & Gary who own the lovely Florian and Mac have been working with us whilst the two horses are on short term training livery, to kick start their competition season. All four of them have improved tremendously and we are very proud of all their hard work.

Along side going to Port Royal, Sarah competed in her first Dressage Anywhere and came 2nd in their very full class!

We have also had another Liz Harris Equine Therapist clinic day, and we have some big plans for the summer months, so please keep looking back for exciting opportunities coming soon!